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Machining Quality with Future Tecnology



Machining Precision
  • Bleeding bolts: these are used in the brake systems of several different kinds of vehicles.

  • Spindle / Axles for general purposes: These are used in photocopiers, in the auto industry (hydraulic clutching system, small electric motors) household electrical appliances and machines (washing machines, food processors, among others).

  • Actuation pistons (aluminum, steel or brass made): master cylinder systems, air brake distribution systems, air compressor loading systems, among other uses.Special alloy bolts: these are used for attaching aircraft structural components (special threads with atypical profiles).

  • Structural parts: Such as aircraft flap supporting components, aileron support, cabin support, among others, for the aeronautic industry, built in different materials such as aeronautic aluminum, special steel alloys, titanium, etc.

  • Connections: special connections for several pressurized fluid systems.Washers: with special profiles for several different systems (for the auto industry, for electric / electronic products, for photocopiers, among others).

  • Splicing fins: Planetary splicing fins, fence splicing fins (auto industry, electric household appliances, among others).

Aluminum Injection
  • ​Manufacture of injected aluminum for various systems (automotive, appliances, among others)

  • Mounting sets in customized cells as needed for each client.


The Tormep deisponibiliza the highest technology for Anodizing surface treatment, providing unique quality through the following differential operation:


  • No formation of bubbles on the surface of the components

  • Automatic control of temperature and concentration of the bath

  • Uniformity of layer

  • Anodizing capacity to 8,000,000 pcs / year

  •  Stable process  (Repeatability)

  • Range of 1 to 60 micron layer

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